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Getting Started¤


To install the package, run the following command:

conda install -c deployql lintdb


Load data¤

Let's use LoTTE data to create a new database.

from datasets import load_dataset
from collections import namedtuple

LoTTeDataset = namedtuple('LoTTeDataset', ['collection', 'queries', 'qids', 'dids'])

# get the LoTTE dataset and queries
collection_dataset = load_dataset("colbertv2/lotte_passages", 'lifestyle')
collection = [x['text'] for x in collection_dataset[split + '_collection']]
dids = [x['doc_id'] for x in collection_dataset[split + '_collection']]

queries_dataset = load_dataset("colbertv2/lotte", dataset)
queries = [x['query'] for x in queries_dataset['search_' + split]]
qids = [x['qid'] for x in queries_dataset['search_' + split]]

data = LoTTeDataset(collection, queries, qids, dids)

Load a ColBERT model¤

We can reuse the ColBERT model from the Hugging Face model hub.

from colbert.modeling.checkpoint import Checkpoint
from colbert import Searcher
config = ColBERTConfig.load_from_checkpoint("colbert-ir/colbertv2.0")
checkpoint = Checkpoint("colbert-ir/colbertv2.0", config)

Create a database¤

LintDB requires a schema to be defined for a database.

We can create a simple ColBERT schema as follows:

from lintdb.core import (

schema = Schema(
        ColbertField('colbert', DataType.TENSOR, {
            'dimensions': 128,
            'quantization': QuantizerType.BINARIZER,
            "num_centroids": 32768,
            "num_iterations": 10,
config = Configuration()
index = IndexIVF(index_path, schema, config)

Let's look at the schema we just created:

ColbertField('colbert',  # field name
     DataType.TENSOR, # data type
        'dimensions': 128,  # number of dimensions
        'quantization': QuantizerType.BINARIZER, # the type of quantizer to use.
        "num_centroids": 32768, # the number of centroids to use in training.
        "num_iterations": 10, # the number of iterations to use in training.

ColBERT stores token embeddings of 128 dimensions. Our Quantizer BINARIZER is directly translated out of the original ColBERT implementation.

The number of centroids as defined in ColBERT should be the square root of the total number of embeddings.


Before we can index data, we need to train the database to learn what clusters to assign the embeddings to.

from lintdb.core import (
training_docs = []
training_data = random.sample(data.collection, min(20000, len(d.collection)))
for b in tqdm(batch(training_data, n=1000)):
    embeddings = checkpoint.docFromText(b)
    for emb in embeddings:
        emb = np.squeeze(emb.cpu().numpy().astype('float32'))
        doc = Document(0, [TensorFieldValue("colbert", emb)])


Let's take a closer look at the Document we pass to LintDB:

Document(0, # the tenant id. must be an int.
         [ # a list of field values.
             TensorFieldValue( # specifies that we're passing in tensors.
                 "colbert",  # the field name
                 emb # the embedding. must be a 2D numpy array (n, 128) of float32.
Each document must match the schema for the database.


Now that we have trained the database, we can index the data.

 for b in tqdm(batch(list(zip(d.dids, d.collection)),n=1)):
        ids = [i for i,_ in b]
        docs = [d for _, d in b]

        embedding = checkpoint.docFromText(docs)

        e = np.squeeze(embedding.cpu().numpy().astype('float32'))

        for i, ee in zip(ids, e):
            doc = Document(i, [TensorFieldValue("colbert", e)])
            index.add(0, [doc])


Now that we have indexed the data, we can search the database.

from lintdb.core import (
for id, query in zip(data.qids, data.queries):
    embedding = checkpoint.queryFromText(query)
    e = np.squeeze(embedding.cpu().numpy().astype('float32'))

    query = Query(
            TensorFieldValue('colbert', e)
    results =, query_doc, 10)